Hive Talk - January 2020

Zena B's January 2020 "Happy New Year"

The Queen Bee

Happy New Year! The Best to you in 2020!

During these cold winter days, I take the opportunity to peruse the information that I've collected, and books I have accululated on one of my favourite subject, bees. And, of course, the continuing relationship I have with my Pug, Zena!

Dave and I were checking the hives the other day. I took my stethoscope with us and listened to see if I could hear anything. I could hear sounds in the first two hives, but none in the third. I gave it a thump with my foot and they responded with a buzzzzz. Good sign.

Pretty soon I'll be stocking up some bee food for when the weather breaks in March. My girls have food stores, but come early spring those food stores will start to dwindle so they will need food to help them out until the trees and dandelions start to bloom. Pollen patties, and sugar syrup are on the menu.

Thanks to all of our customers. We are currently sold out of our delicious raw honey. The girls will be out in full strength this May, June, and July to supply all of our wonderful clients the goodness of their efforts! Thank you!

If you want, go to my website and add your e-mail address to reserve some honey. First come, first serve.

Until next month, Bee Kind! Take Care.